Tampa Bay 24/7 Prayer

Tampa 24/7 exists to minister to the LORD with unceasing prayer and worship night and day around our region. We long to see the local church come together in prayer, worship, and intercession. We believe God’s presence will dwell with us, peace will abound, and revival and awakening will be birthed throughout the Tampa Bay Area.

Sign up to pray for 30 minutes or more on the first Wednesday of each month. Then join us as we unite for prayer at our Worship Wednesday Service.

Tampa Bay 24/7 Prayer 

Unite with churches around Tampa Bay in prayer to see God move. Below, please sign-up for a 30 minute time-frame that you will be dedicated to praying for our church, our community, our city, our state, our nation and the body of believers around the world. 

Prayer Room

Located behind the left side of the stage
Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm and before services
(Please use the front door. Never open the back door.
Even if someone knocks, ask them to go around to the front door.)

Corporate Prayer Times

All Welcome for this small group prayer
Wednesday Evenings: 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Thursday Afternoons: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Sundays with Pastor Art: 8:00am - 8:30am
Sundays during 9:00am and 11:00am Service

Prayer Events

Worship Wednesdays 7pm - First Wednesday of each month in the main sanctuary.
Several times a year we have special prayer events. They can be found on our website under events.

Questions? Please email Prayer@feathersoundchurch.com